Assets Management

In today’s complex marketplace, even sophisticated investors are challenged to stay current, to monitor their investments, and to respond to rapidly changing conditions.

For investors who’d like to free themselves from the need to constantly monitor asset allocation and portfolios, Benford & Associates Ltd provides access to professionals whose skills at risk profiling, institutional asset allocation, money management selection and investment policy development can help you navigate in a constantly changing environment.

Look to us for asset management services that are:

  • Customized to meet the needs of you and your family
  • Fee-based so advisors have a vested interest in their clients’ success
  • Strategic to reflect the dynamic nature of the market – and your life

The Role of Your Advisor

No one knows you better than your financial advisor. It’s likely that you share information with your advisor to which only your closest family members are otherwise privy. That’s why any sound investment program should be based on a personal relationship that is open, trusting and respectful.

You deserve the professional advice of a financial advisor whose interest is vested in the success of your portfolio. Let your advisor keep tabs on the global financial marketplace, monitor allocations, diversification and progress towards long term goals. This professional advisor can help you make informed, professional choices and help you construct a plan designed with your goals in mind.

Your financial advisor has access to resources that enable him or her to:

  • Offer the kind of services that meet sophisticated challengeshead-on
  • Focus on risk managementthrough asset class diversification
  • Guide you in selecting an appropriateasset allocation model
  • Monitors your allocation
  • Asset Management Services selects quality portfolio managers
  • Utilize forward-thinkingresearch

There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss.

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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

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