Independence and rigor that provides confidence and transparency for stakeholders and society.
Do you need a quality feedback on your company operations?
Our auditors and RSM risk-based high quality audit methodology provide the clients with a consistent and high quality audit service.
We constantly upgrade our knowledge to stay up-to date with latest developments in audit methodology. We perform services in full compliance with International Standards on Auditing and in accordance with local regulatory requirements and applicable laws.
We offer a tailored audit approach with focus on understanding the clients’ business operation and environment. This enables us to identify key audit risks and tailor our audit response to the unique aspects, size and nature of our client’s business.
We perform audits and assurance engagements of the financial statements prepared in accordance with local OHADA Laws (National Accounting Standards); IFRS or Group standards.
We work independently but in a close cooperation with our clients to help them stay align with increasing requirement for information transparency and improve their control and management systems to make reasonable well-balanced decisions.
SKT building opposite hôtel Beausejour Akwa-Douala
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm